Board of Directors
Ihab Swellem
ChairmanMoataz Ashmawy
Board Member and Managing DirectorLaila Tarek El Ghawass
Board Member and Managing Director - BranchesDina Hashish
Board MemberKhalid Mohamed Dahawy
Board Member-
Resource id #988
- Cairo Oils & Soap0.390.33 |
- Egyptians For Investment & Urban Development0.27500.2650 |
- The Egyptian Company for Construction Development-Lift Slab0.84600.7970 |
- Industrial & Engineering Projects0.32500.3220 |
- Elsaeed Contracting& Real Estate Investment Company SCCD0.99200.96 |
- Orascom Financial Holding0.42100.4160 |
- Giza General Contracting0.45700.4440 |
- Arab Developers Holding0.37800.3760 |
- Aspire Capital Holding For Financial Investments0.27300.2750 |
- Orascom Investment Holding0.540.5270 |
- Al Khair River For Development Agricultural Investment&Envir0.63400.6340 |
- Copper For Commercial Investment & Real Estate Development0.450.4240 |
- Speed Medical0.42200.4180 |
- Lotus For Agricultural Investments And Development0.74800.7310 |
- South Valley Cement4.974.65 |
- Dice Sport & Casual Wear2.702.62 |
- Osool ESB Securities Brokerage1.02701.2110 |
- Egyptians Housing Development & Reconstruction0.38500.3840 |
- The Egyptian Modern Education Systems0.41300.4030 |
- Amer Group Holding1.251.27 |
- Premium HealthCare Group0.940.99 |
- Beltone Holding2.482.53 |
- El Kahera Housing2.082.12 |
- Tenth Of Ramadan Pharmaceutical Industries&Diagnostic-Rameda3.593.67 |
- Arabia Investments Holding0.52100.5210 |
- QALA For Financial Investments2.652.69 |
- Universal For Paper and Packaging Materials (Unipack0.56800.5460 |
- Madinet Masr For Housing and Development3.993.97 |
- Arab Co. for Asset Management And Development0.95500.9460 |
- Arab Moltaka Investments Co2.512.58 |
- Ibnsina Pharma6.586.64 |
- Integrated Engineering Group S.A.E0.190.19 |
- Misr National Steel - Ataqa5.605.59 |
- Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals - SIDPEC20.9020.18 |
- Heliopolis Housing10.6010.61 |
- Fawry For Banking Technology And Electronic Payment8.318.34 |
- Digitize for Investment And Technology2.592.68 |
- Atlas For Investment and Food Industries1.131.13 |
- Alexandria Mineral Oils Company7.807.88 |
- Arab Valves Company4.644.48 |
- T M G Holding52.8052.80 |
- Iron And Steel for Mines and Quarries4.204.15 |
- Palm Hills Development Company6.486.43 |
- ODIN Investments1.801.81 |
- Raya Holding For Financial Investments2.622.64 |
- Mena Touristic & Real Estate Investment5.675.68 |
- El Arabia Engineering Industries1.351.34 |
- Sabaa International Company for Pharmaceutical and Chemical1.301.31 |
- Extracted Oils3.723.69 |
- Act Financial3.413.38 |
- Egyptian Chemical Industries (Kima)8.568.63 |
- The Arab Ceramic CO.- Ceramica Remas0.84800.8330 |
- Mansourah Poultry1.731.71 |
- Medical Packaging Company1.251.26 |
- Barbary Investment Group ( BIG)0.14900.1480 |
- Misr Cement (Qena)25.9025.80 |
- EFG Holding21.6521.69 |
- Egyptian Transport (EGYTRANS)5.085.10 |
- Macro Group Pharmaceuticals -Macro Capital2.022.03 |
- Abou Kir Fertilizers55.1954.43 |
- MM Group For Industry And International Trade7.317.27 |
- Emaar Misr for Development6.776.80 |
- Northern Upper Egypt Development & Agricultural Production2.452.47 |
- Egyptian Real Estate Group0.68100.6790 |
- The Arab Dairy Products Co. Arab Dairy - Panda3.173.19 |
- Orascom Development Egypt17.9017.82 |
- Pioneers Properties For Urban Development(PREDCO)3.283.30 |
- El Wadi For International and Investement Development0.82100.8250 |
- The United Bank14.4314.44 |
- Arab Cotton Ginning8.027.99 |
- Electro Cable Egypt2.632.64 |
- Natural Gas & Mining Project (Egypt Gas)43.4643.05 |
- Zahraa Maadi Investment & Development3.343.35 |
- Ezz Steel132.98132.34 |
- Arabian Cement Company18.8218.63 |
- Telecom Egypt34.0433.24 |
- Sharkia National Food6.106.17 |
- Arab Real Estate Investment CO.-ALICO1.641.66 |
- Eastern Company29.9528.10 |
- United Housing & Development6.216.25 |
- Engineering Industries (ICON)24.4923.72 |
- Commercial International Bank-Egypt (CIB)7877.50 |
- Gadwa For Industrial Development4.814.50 |
- Remco for Touristic Villages Construction3.103.13 |
- Taqa Arabia12.1312.14 |
- Edita Food Industries S.A.E27.7327.59 |
- El Ezz Porcelain (Gemma)26.3425.02 |
- ELSWEDY ELECTRIC79.0178.50 |
- Egyptian Kuwaiti Holding-EGP30.1630.10 |
- Canal Shipping Agencies24.0924.45 |
- Six of October Development & Investment (SODIC)62.6660.08 |
- Cairo For Investment And Real Estate Developments-CIRA Edu16.2016.20 |
- Arab Development & Real Estate Investment1.201.19 |
- Al Moasher for Programming and Information Dissemination2.702.78 |
- Oriental Weavers25.2925.25 |
- M.B Engineering2.272.25 |
- Ceramic & Porcelain10.9010.81 |
- Credit Agricole Egypt18.7518.79 |
- Nasr Company for Civil Works3.763.78 |
- Egyptian Gulf Marseilia For Real Estate Investment3.033.02 |
- El Shams Housing & Urbanization6.096.12 |
- E-finance For Digital and Financial Investments17.6017.53 |
- International Agricultural Products21.3121.33 |
- Cairo Poultry14.8714.90 |
- Fitness Prime1.601.59 |
- Memphis Pharmaceuticals60.0356.99 |
- Egypt for Poultry5.235.28 |
- International Company For Fertilizers & Chemicals12.1912.07 |
- International Co For Investment & Development3.323.39 |
- B Investments Holding23.4123.42 |
- Misr Fertilizers Production Company - Mopco40.0339.75 |
- Al Tawfeek Leasing Company-A.T.LEASE3.473.47 |
- Kafr El Zayat Pesticides11.3211.37 |
- Lecico Egypt30.2129.46 |
- Juhayna Food Industries35.4935 |
- El Ahli Investment and Development28.7328.41 |
- Ismailia Misr Poultry9.649.69 |
- A Capital Holding2.622.63 |
- Egyptian Arabian(Themar)Comp. For Securities&Bonds Brok. EAC4.384.44 |
- Golden Coast Company1.051.05 |
- Arabian Food Industries DOMTY27.2827.05 |
- Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank- Egypt38.4738.90 |
- Raya Customer Experience7.127.02 |
- Egyptian Iron & Steel49.4048.65 |
- GB Corp16.2516.15 |
- Sharm Dreams Co. for Tourism Investment16.1616.16 |
- El Nasr Clothes & Textiles (Kabo)4.744.76 |
- Delta Sugar49.0448.31 |
- International company For Medical Industries -ICMI2.602.65 |
- Export Development Bank of Egypt17.7917.50 |
- El Ahram Co. For Printing And Packing10.1210.34 |
- Qatar National Bank30.0230.65 |
- First Investment Company And Real Estate Development2.012 |
- Alexandria Containers and goods22.3822.19 |
- Tanmiya for Real Estate Investment3.273.24 |
- CI Capital Holding For Financial Investments5.905.89 |
- Cleopatra Hospital Company8.158.10 |
- Egyptian Media Production City23.2023.10 |
- Nozha International Hospital8.508.54 |
- Gulf Canadian Real Estate Investment Co.46.1344.74 |
- Obour Land For Food Industries18.5118.35 |
- Sinai Cement32.8732.51 |
- Rubex International for Plastic and Acrylic Manufacturing11.2411.66 |
- Egyptian Kuwaiti Holding0.790.78 |
- Ismailia National Food Industries87.8988.65 |
- El-Nile Co. For Pharmaceuticals And Chemical Industries52.3752.03 |
- El Obour Real Estate Investment7.727.75 |
- REKAZ Financial Holding1.952 |
- Glaxo Smith Kline38.0137.72 |
- Naeem Holding0.14500.1450 |
- Egyptian for Tourism Resorts55 |
- Al Baraka Bank Egypt12.0111.98 |
- Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt - In EGP37.1737 |
- Reacap Financial Investments6.646.60 |
- Heibco for commercial investments & real estate development3.783.79 |
- Ismailia Development and Real Estate Co18.7018.88 |
- Golden Textiles & Clothes Wool27.2928.50 |
- Taaleem Management Services11.4811.33 |
- International Business Corporation For Trading and Agencies2.172.35 |
- Egypt Aluminum152.58153 |
- Alexandria Flour Mills25.2125.08 |
- Asek Company for Mining - Ascom34.6734.45 |
- Union Pharmacist Company For Medical Services and Investment3.023.18 |
- Alexandria Spinning & Weaving (SPINALEX)9.189.21 |
- Contact Financial Holding4.294.29 |
- Development & Engineering Consultants58.9057.86 |
- Orascom Construction PLC266.30268.02 |
- Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt - In US Dollars1.111.10 |
- Arab Aluminum13.7813.71 |
- Gharbia Islamic Housing Development27.1127.10 |
- Misr Kuwait Investment & Trading Co.3.383.51 |
- Concrete Fashion Group For Commercial& Industrial Investment0.13900.1380 |
- Maridive & oil services0.35100.35 |
- Egyptian International Pharmaceuticals (EIPICO)44.7844.66 |
- Suez Canal Bank S.A.E16.8516.81 |
- Misr Chemical Industries27.6227.48 |
- AJWA for Food Industries company Egypt100.58100.37 |
- Egyptian Gulf Bank0.28800.2910 |
- Prime Holding0.66100.6610 |
- Al Fanar Contracting Construction Trade Import And Export Co2.752.75 |
- Grand Investment Capital10.9510.95 |
- Rowad Tourism (Al Rowad)26.2427.62 |
- Acrow Misr64.3063.12 |
- Alexandria National Company for Financial Investment22.1721.93 |
- Housing & Development Bank51.7051.71 |
- Misr Beni Suef Cement73.7873.68 |
- GTEX For Commercial And Industrial0.03700.0370 |
- General Company For Land Reclamation,Development & Reconstru48.5648.75 |
- Misr Hotels29.0229.02 |
- Egyptian Financial & Industrial160.40160.99 |
- El Nasr For Manufacturing Agricultural Crops26.1526.15 |
- Rakta Paper Manufacturing24.3524.35 |
- Cairo Educational Services30.4330.43 |
- Alexandria New Medical Center18.0118.01 |
- Cairo Pharmaceuticals100.47100.98 |
- Egyptian Satellites (NileSat)7.037 |
- Misr Duty Free Shops29.1529.15 |
- Wadi Kom Ombo Land Reclamation96.4896.87 |
- National Housing for Professional Syndicates47.0547.05 |
- Misr Oils & Soap56.8956.89 |
- Samad Misr -EGYFERT94.2394.23 |
- October Pharma107.38107.38 |
- East Delta Flour Mills229.12229.12 |
- El Arabia for Land Reclamation61.6561.65 |
- Middle & West Delta Flour Mills311.96330.01 |
- South Cairo & Giza Mills & Bakeries70.2870.28 |
- Marsa Marsa Alam For Tourism Development2.102.10 |
- EGX 30 INDEX ETF33.4233.42 |
- TransOceans Tours0.03800.0380 |
- General Silos & Storage147.60147.60 |
- Sues Canal Company For Technology Settling87.8887.88 |
- UTOPIA31.2931.29 |
- Minapharm Pharmaceuticals161.54161.54 |
- El Kahera El Watania Investment29.9529.95 |
- Mohandes Insurance24.7724.77 |
- Egyptians Real Estate Fund Certificates10.8510.85 |
- Middle Egypt Flour Mills51.7551.75 |
- Upper Egypt Flour Mills228.52228.52 |
- Arab Pharmaceuticals141.49141.49 |
- North Cairo Mills44.4344.43 |
- Alexandria Pharmaceuticals394.49394.49 |
- Delta For Printing & Packaging69.1069.10 |